DanielHazzard / Cure-Please

Final Fantasy XI Healing Bot - (Uses EliteAPI) - Community Maintained
GNU General Public License v2.0
34 stars 35 forks source link

Cure please not working, please help #172

Open GnosisJJ opened 9 months ago

GnosisJJ commented 9 months ago

I put the cureplease_addon folder into my ashita addon folder, and downloaded updated eliteapi and elitemmoapi files and put them in the cureplease master folder. When I load cureplease, I'm able to select myself as the PL and Monitored player, it loads everyone in the party and alliance, and I clicked the box that enables the addon in options. But the Addon button is red. In the attached picture is what it says in game about the addon.

In the client, it says: IMG_20240306_201535

Tompso commented 6 months ago

I had the same issue and this is what I did to get it working. It seems like you have done the same thing, but maybe double check? I use Windower instead of Ashita so maybe it is different.

Thanks to an older post by @DrakeFS, "The addon button only goes green if you have the CurePlease_Addon in windower addons directory and you have checked the box in cure please settings to use said addon." The box to check is shown below in the image, and is located in the Options tab > Other Options tab. For Green Addon Box Green Box

Anyway, hope this helps you out or you already figured it out.

camosaan commented 6 months ago

That’s mostly accurate. There is an order to it:

1) Ensure you have a settings file for a given job/character configured. (This means the addon is configured to load AND every player has a unique port configured).

2) Settings file(s) MUST be loaded BEFORE CP is started (the actual Start button) the first time otherwise the default port will be used. Multiple instances running on the same port will cause spamming/looping/non-removal of debuffs etc.

3) The Addon must be correctly deployed for Windower/Ashita. DO NOT load the addon manually.

4) Local Network/Firewall/Security Software must allow local traffic on those configured ports.

wyattdoc commented 2 months ago

any chance you want to share that settings folder also is there a port number i can change to