DanielHazzard / Cure-Please

Final Fantasy XI Healing Bot - (Uses EliteAPI) - Community Maintained
GNU General Public License v2.0
34 stars 35 forks source link

Alliance #49

Closed bjggi closed 5 years ago

bjggi commented 5 years ago


Sorry, probably more like a Question than a Issue. As a WHM, is there an option when a Party Member or the monitored Player drops Protect/Shell/Boost/Barstatuses etc., it reapplies them?

For example, when the WHM still has Pro/Shell, and the Monitored Player doesn't, it won't cast Pro/Shell on him.

Is there an option i'm missing?

Thank you!

DanielHazzard commented 5 years ago

Yes, Protect/Shell etc should be under either the MENU or AUTO option next to the character name, can't remember which.