DanielHazzard / Cure-Please

Final Fantasy XI Healing Bot - (Uses EliteAPI) - Community Maintained
GNU General Public License v2.0
34 stars 35 forks source link

problem with addon #68

Closed Darkdante44 closed 5 years ago

Darkdante44 commented 5 years ago

Kimbo_2019 08 20_145252

I use cureplease all the time , but when i updated to the this is happening when i select pl and monitored

DanielHazzard commented 5 years ago

Hmm. I would assume ashita removed the Packets require, I will look into this tomorrow.

Sorry about that.

DanielHazzard commented 5 years ago

Update: Can you double check you're using the newest Addon as it doesn't use packets.lua.

Darkdante44 commented 5 years ago

Hmm maybe I didnt i did it over again and it worked this time, my apologies.