DanielHazzard / Cure-Please

Final Fantasy XI Healing Bot - (Uses EliteAPI) - Community Maintained
GNU General Public License v2.0
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ST20 (Incorrect Spells mapped for removal) #91

Closed beerman212 closed 4 years ago

beerman212 commented 4 years ago

Status Effect 20 (StatusEffect.Curse2) is unremovable via the spell Cursna.

It has to be removed via Esuna (on PL), or Sacrifice (on Party Member). It cannot be removed from Alliance.

Line 4135: else if ((plEffect == StatusEffect.Curse2) && (Form2.config.plCurse2) && (CheckSpellRecast("Esuna") == 0) && (HasSpell("Esuna")) && JobChecker("Esuna") == true) { CastSpell(_ELITEAPIPL.Player.Name, "Esuna"); }

Line 4331: else if ((monitoredEffect == StatusEffect.Curse2) && (Form2.config.monitoredCurse2) && (CheckSpellRecast("Sacrifice") == 0) && (HasSpell("Sacrifice")) && JobChecker("Sacrifice") == true) { // Probably need a check for in party with whm here... CastSpell(_ELITEAPIMonitored.Player.Name, "Sacrifice"); }

I don't see any logic for it for other party members.

DanielHazzard commented 4 years ago

As with your other topic, this will be pushed to the next release, Thank you again.