DanielHazzard / Cure-Please

Final Fantasy XI Healing Bot - (Uses EliteAPI) - Community Maintained
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Disabling PL Attack Down removal will disable Erase casting on PL. #92

Closed beerman212 closed 4 years ago

beerman212 commented 4 years ago

When checking Debuffs on PL, if the check box for Attack Down removal on PL is unchecked, all erasable debuffs will return false when checking the debuff because there is a check to that box on all of them.

else if ((plEffect == StatusEffect.Burn) && (Form2.config.plBurn) && (Form2.config.plAttackDown) && (CheckSpellRecast("Erase") == 0) && (HasSpell("Erase")) && JobChecker("Erase") == true) { CastSpell(_ELITEAPIPL.Player.Name, "Erase"); } else if ((plEffect == StatusEffect.Frost) && (Form2.config.plFrost) && (Form2.config.plAttackDown) && (CheckSpellRecast("Erase") == 0) && (HasSpell("Erase")) && JobChecker("Erase") == true) { CastSpell(_ELITEAPIPL.Player.Name, "Erase"); } else if ((plEffect == StatusEffect.Choke) && (Form2.config.plChoke) && (Form2.config.plAttackDown) && (CheckSpellRecast("Erase") == 0) && (HasSpell("Erase")) && JobChecker("Erase") == true) { CastSpell(_ELITEAPIPL.Player.Name, "Erase"); }

A few examples. Form2.config.plAttackDown should be removed as a check.

DanielHazzard commented 4 years ago

Thank you, I'm not sure how I missed that.

Although, looking at that section it's possible I never noticed as I personally did not write that section.

This has been corrected now and will be pushed to the next release (next couple of days)