DanielJDufour / geomask

Low-Level GeoSpatial Masking Functions
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Update dufour-peyton-intersection & reproject-geojson version #1

Open Smithjoe1 opened 1 month ago

Smithjoe1 commented 1 month ago

I am trying to use georaster-layer-for-leaflet with a geojson GeometryCollection object to mask a georaster layer. The dependency below when used with 0.2.1 works with an override. "dufour-peyton-intersection": "^0.1.1", Or ~ could be for minor version check < 0.X.X

"reproject-geojson": "^0.3.0", isn't converting the data from WGS84 to epsg3857 Added to pluggable.js inside reproject-geojson else if (data.type === "GeometryCollection") { return { ...data, geometries: data.geometries.map(geometries => reprojectGeoJSONPluggable(geometries, { densify, reproject })) }; }

DanielJDufour commented 3 weeks ago

I just published a new version of geomask that includes these updated dependencies. I still need to update georaster-layer-for-leaflet though