DanielLin1986 / Function-level-Vulnerability-Detection

A deep learning-based vulnerability detection framework
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the required package for successful running #9

Open Fr2nkkk opened 2 years ago

Fr2nkkk commented 2 years ago

tensorflow==1.14 keras==2.2.4 scikit-learn==0.21.0 numpy== 1.19.5 pandas== 0.23.4 matplotlib==3.3.4 yaml gensim== 3.6.0 glove==1.0.1

This is what I have installed and it proves to be alright. If you meet other problems you can google it , and then follow the solutions. 亲测有用,已经复现成功,如果有其他错误网上搜一下然后改一下就ok了。

lab-pc commented 2 years ago
"name_scope was already taken." % abs_state_scope)

RuntimeError: Exception encountered when calling layer "lambda" (type Lambda).

variable_scope module_1/ was unused but the corresponding name_scope was already taken.

Call arguments received by layer "lambda" (type Lambda): • inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, 1), dtype=string) • mask=None • training=True

fnSakasakiNatsume commented 5 months ago

thank u so much for your generous, but it still couldn't work. may i ask for the python version you use