DanielMing123 / OCCFusion

[IEEE TIV] OccFusion: Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework for 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction
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The download link for pkl failed. Could you update it ? #4

Open sinsin1998 opened 3 weeks ago

sinsin1998 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks a lot

DanielMing123 commented 3 weeks ago

Updated, thanks for inform me about this

sinsin1998 commented 3 weeks ago

Updated, thanks for inform me about this

Thanks for your quick reply. And I have another question, you said that in your experiment, "the model is trained on eight A10 GPUs, each with 24GB of memory for two days." But I find that 24GB is not enough in your config/OccFusion. Moreover, I don't know that how to use fix_param_small.

DanielMing123 commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry for the confusion. The final version is trained on a few A40s, each with 48 GB, and you can decrease the batch size to fit A10 or 3090/4090. For the fix_param_small just download the fix_param_small from the link and put it inside the OCCFusion folder, the program will automatically load it. You could also set enable_fix=True in the config file to use fix_param_small.