DanielRivers / jQuery-Visibly

Plugin to easily show elements based on values of other elements
MIT License
25 stars 10 forks source link

error reporting #2

Open antonioca opened 9 years ago

antonioca commented 9 years ago

The plugin does not work when the reference type field is radio you see -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17703186/does-jqueryid-length-always-return-1

The plugin is still good Thanks! Antonio Cancellaro Hi!

DanielRivers commented 8 years ago

Hi @antonioca thanks for the issue report.

Any chance you can provide a fiddle showing the issue occurring?

Many thanks.

mrwoodo commented 8 years ago

An old thread but I had the same issue (or so I thought). The problem was my group of radio buttons all had the same ID (blame .Net MVC for that). Once they're unique, jQuery / Visibly can find the :checked element no problems. Thanks for a great library!

DanielRivers commented 8 years ago

@mrwoodo Thanks for this, makes total sense. I think that this issue is most likely related to what you found.

Thanks for the feedback! :+1: