DanielSWolf / rhubarb-lip-sync

Rhubarb Lip Sync is a command-line tool that automatically creates 2D mouth animation from voice recordings. You can use it for characters in computer games, in animated cartoons, or in any other project that requires animating mouths based on existing recordings.
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rhubarb.exe missing #35

Closed unkenny closed 6 years ago

unkenny commented 6 years ago

Hi this may be a noob question but I'm trying to use Rhubarb with After effects. The directions say that there is an executable called rhubarb.exe

Do I need to compile to project to create this file?

unkenny commented 6 years ago

Whoops, i had the wrong zip file. I found it in rhubarb-lip-sync-1.7.1-win32.zip