I have tried to make two audio streams using wav. One is for music and the other for sounds. I have separated the functions but anytime you play a sound it cancels out the music and then stalls all audio altogether. Thanks.
let bg = new Image("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/background.png");
let menu_box_mesh = new Image("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/menu_box_mesh.png");
let build = "Development Build 2";
let build_date = "3/29/2024";
let program_status = "menu";
let menu_option = 1;
var menu_text_animation = 32;
var unsel_color = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 64);
var sel_color = Color.new(17,49,255, 32);
let font = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF");
let font_medium = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF");
let font_bold = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF");
font.color = unsel_color;
font_bold.scale = 0.7f
font_medium.scale = 1.0f;
font.scale = 0.44f;
let font_text_box = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF")
let font_text_box_selected = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF")
font_text_box_selected.color = sel_color;
let font_animation_sequence = 1;
function random(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max + 1);
let music_stream_timer = Timer.new();
let sound_stream_timer = Timer.new();
let music_stream = Sound.load("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Music/Menu" + random(3) + ".wav");
let sound_stream = Sound.load("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Sounds/back.wav");
let music_stream_duration;
let sound_stream_duration;
let local_duration = (Math.floor(Timer.getTime(music_stream_timer)));
let local_sound_duration = (Math.floor(Timer.getTime(sound_stream_timer)));
I have tried to make two audio streams using wav. One is for music and the other for sounds. I have separated the functions but anytime you play a sound it cancels out the music and then stalls all audio altogether. Thanks.
IOP.loadDefaultModule(IOP.keyboard); Keyboard.init();
let bg = new Image("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/background.png"); let menu_box_mesh = new Image("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/menu_box_mesh.png"); let build = "Development Build 2"; let build_date = "3/29/2024"; let program_status = "menu"; let menu_option = 1; var menu_text_animation = 32;
var unsel_color = Color.new(255, 255, 255, 64); var sel_color = Color.new(17,49,255, 32);
let font = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF"); let font_medium = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF"); let font_bold = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF"); font.color = unsel_color; font_bold.scale = 0.7f font_medium.scale = 1.0f; font.scale = 0.44f; let font_text_box = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF") let font_text_box_selected = new Font("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Menu/CONSOLAB.TTF") font_text_box_selected.color = sel_color; let font_animation_sequence = 1;
function random(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max + 1);
let music_stream_timer = Timer.new(); let sound_stream_timer = Timer.new(); let music_stream = Sound.load("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Music/Menu" + random(3) + ".wav"); let sound_stream = Sound.load("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Sounds/back.wav"); let music_stream_duration; let sound_stream_duration; let local_duration = (Math.floor(Timer.getTime(music_stream_timer))); let local_sound_duration = (Math.floor(Timer.getTime(sound_stream_timer)));
music_stream_duration = Sound.duration(music_stream); Sound.play(music_stream); Timer.reset(music_stream_timer);
sound_stream_duration = Sound.duration(sound_stream); Sound.play(sound_stream); Timer.reset(sound_stream_timer);
let menu_ptr = 0;
let new_pad = Pads.get(); let old_pad = new_pad;
let old_kbd_char = 0; let kbd_char = 0;
const VK_OLD_UP = 27; const VK_NEW_UP = 44; const VK_OLD_DOWN = 27; const VK_NEW_DOWN = 43; const VK_RETURN = 10;
var ee_info = System.getCPUInfo();
function textAnimation(interval,integer) {
if(font_animation_sequence === 1) { integer = integer + interval; } else { integer = integer - interval; }
if(integer === 99) { font_animation_sequence = 2;
if(integer === 31) { font_animation_sequence = 1;
return integer;
function optionCeiling(numOfOptions,compare) {
if(compare > numOfOptions) { compare = 1; }
if(compare === 0) { compare = numOfOptions; }
return compare;
function print(posx, posy, text, type) {
if(type === "text_box") {
font_text_box_selected.print(posx, posy, text); } else {
if(type === "") {
font_text_box.print(posx, posy, text); }
function text_button(posx, posy, image, text, id) {
if(image === "menu_box_mesh") {
menu_box_mesh.draw(posx,posy); menu_box_mesh.width = 150; menu_box_mesh.height = 30;
function play_sound(sound) {
case "select":
local_sound_duration = 0;
if(menu_option === id) { print(posx,posy,text,"text_box"); } else { print(posx,posy,text,""); } }
function image_button(posx, posy, image) {
os.setInterval(() => {
if(local_duration >= music_stream_duration) { local_duration = 0; Sound.pause(music_stream); let new_music_stream = Sound.load("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Music/Menu" + random(3) + ".wav"); music_stream_duration = Sound.duration(new_music_stream); Timer.reset(music_stream_timer); Sound.play(new_music_stream); let old_music_stream = music_stream; music_stream = new_music_stream; Sound.free(old_music_stream); }
local_duration = (Math.floor(Timer.getTime(music_stream_timer))); local_sound_duration = (Math.floor(Timer.getTime(sound_stream_timer))); print(30,30,"ld" + local_duration,"text_box"); print(30,50,"md" + music_stream_duration,"text_box"); print(30,90,"ld" + local_sound_duration,"text_box"); print(30,140,"md" + sound_stream_duration,"text_box"); menu_text_animation = textAnimation(4,menu_text_animation);
text_button(190, 125, "menu_box_mesh", "Campaign",1); text_button(190, 125+45, "menu_box_mesh", "Options",2); text_button(190, 125+45*2, "menu_box_mesh", "Exit Game",3);
menu_option = menu_option - 1;
let new_sound_stream = Sound.load("SWTC/LVL_PS2/Sounds/select.wav"); sound_stream_duration = Sound.duration(new_sound_stream); Timer.reset(sound_stream_timer); Sound.play(new_sound_stream); Sound.resume(music_stream); let old_sound_stream = sound_stream; sound_stream = new_sound_stream; Sound.free(old_sound_stream);
menu_option = menu_option + 1;
}, 0);