DanielStutzbach / blist

A list-like type with better asymptotic performance and similar performance on small lists
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Make blist-nodes circular arrays #5

Open DanielStutzbach opened 14 years ago

DanielStutzbach commented 14 years ago

For a constant-factor performance improvement, each blist node could grow a integer "start" field indicating an offset to the first child. The children would be wrapped, so that for a blist with a LIMIT of 8, a start of 4, and 7 children, their order would be: 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2.

That would dramatically decrease the cost of inserting near the beginning of a node, especially if LIMIT is large. For FIFO operation, blist should be able to soundly beat the list and compete head-to-head with the deque.