DanielYKPan / date-time-picker

Angular Date Time Picker (Responsive Design)
MIT License
565 stars 356 forks source link

cannot set property 'picker' of undefined #723

Closed ArtzGroup closed 3 years ago

ArtzGroup commented 3 years ago

I am using Angular 9. I used owl-date-picker, it works completely fine with input, but when I try INLINE it doesn't work. I went through the documentation and followed exactly. Everything is working, but the doesn't work. It gives me "cannot set property 'picker' of undefined" error. Can you please help me on this. Thanks.

SYSTEM ERROR : "Cannot set property 'picker' of undefined" >>> "TypeError: Cannot set property 'picker' of undefined\n at OwlDateTimeInlineComponent.push../node_modules/ng-pick-datetime/__ivy_ngcc__/date-time/date-time-inline.component.js.OwlDateTimeInlineComponent.ngOnInit

"Cannot read property 'startAt' of undefined" >>> "TypeError: Cannot read property 'startAt' of undefined\n at OwlDateTimeContainerComponent.push../node_modules/ng-pick-datetime/__ivy_ngcc__/date-time/date-time-picker-container.component.js.OwlDateTimeContainerComponent.initPicker (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:140606:41)\n at OwlDateTimeContainerComponent.push../node_modules/ng-pick-datetime/__ivy_ngcc__/date-time/date-time-picker-container.component.js.OwlDateTimeContainerComponent.ngAfterContentInit

app.module.ts:94 SYSTEM ERROR : "Cannot read property 'id' of undefined" >>> "TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined\n at OwlDateTimeContainerComponent.get [as owlDTContainerId] (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:140483:32)\n at OwlDateTimeContainerComponent_HostBindings (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:140736:77)\n at setHostBindingsByExecutingExpandoInstructions (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:62132:25)\n at refreshView (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:62418:9)\n at refreshComponent (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:63532:9)\n at refreshChildComponents (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:62169:9)\n at refreshView (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:62422:13)\n at refreshComponent (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:63532:9)\n at refreshChildComponents (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:62169:9)\n at refreshView (http://localhost:9233/vendor.js:62422:13)"

RoWEN-FCUB commented 3 years ago

Hello. I was facing a similar error. It seems this library is no longer supported. I move to danielmoncada / date-time-picker and now it works fine, even using Angular 10.

ArtzGroup commented 3 years ago

Hello. I was facing a similar error. It seems this library is no longer supported. I move to danielmoncada / date-time-picker and now it works fine, even using Angular 10.

Can I get a link for the Repo. Thank you.

RoWEN-FCUB commented 3 years ago


ArtzGroup commented 3 years ago


I tried the installation steps. But, it doesn't compile at all. I just installed it with npm install @danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker --save. I didn't even add it in AppModule yet. Not sure why this happens. Without installing this package, my app is running fine. I am getting this error.

AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (One or more errors occurred. (The NPM script 'start' exited without indicating that the Angular CLI was listening for requests. **The error output was: Compiling @danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker : module as esm5**

I tried npm audit fix, npm fund. But, nothing works.

RoWEN-FCUB commented 3 years ago

Sorry if I can't help you more, can you move this issue to https://github.com/danielmoncada/date-time-picker/issues ?? I see there that issues are being anwsered faster.

ArtzGroup commented 3 years ago

Sorry if I can't help you more, can you move this issue to https://github.com/danielmoncada/date-time-picker/issues ?? I see there that issues are being anwsered faster.

Thanks for your help. I created a new issue in the above link. Closing it here.