DanielYKPan / date-time-picker

Angular Date Time Picker (Responsive Design)
MIT License
565 stars 356 forks source link

IMPORTANT - No events emitted when any date clicked #762

Open tanmayrsm opened 2 years ago

tanmayrsm commented 2 years ago

As we have event for 'monthSelected', 'yearSelected', why not 'dateSelected'. I require it to fix 2 issues -

  1. using [pickerType]="'calendar'" [pickerMode]="'dialog'" , if I double-click on any date, dialog shuts and textbox behind still remains empty
  2. If I open same calendar, and just click 'SET', today's date is shown in textbox. And my today's date is disabled too. I need 'dateSelected' event to keep 'SET' disabled, until a date is selected

Sharing forked copy of number 1 issue - https://stackblitz.com/edit/owl-datetimepicker-21rhbq?file=src%2Fapp%2Fstand-alone%2Fstand-alone.component.html

I have also tried using (ngModelChange) but it does not gets triggered on any date-select