DanielZambSB / Equipo-IA

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Feature Request: Accurate Preview for WhatsApp Message Templates #14

Closed DanielZambSB closed 3 months ago

DanielZambSB commented 5 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Yes, I've noticed an issue with the preview feature when creating a template. The previsualization of the WhatsApp message is not accurate, specifically in terms of formatting. It fails to properly incorporate line breaks, which results in a display that does not match the intended output. I require a 1:1 preview that accurately reflects the final message, as the current discrepancies necessitate redoing the template repeatedly, which is quite inefficient and frustrating.

Describe the solution you'd like:

I would like the template creation tool to feature an improved preview functionality that accurately reflects the final output of the WhatsApp message. This improved preview should:

  1. Precisely Render Formatting: It must accurately display text formatting, including line breaks, font styles, and any other formatting features that will be present in the actual WhatsApp message.

  2. 1:1 Representation: Ensure that the preview is a true 1:1 representation of how the message will appear when sent. This means what I see in the preview should exactly match the final sent message in terms of layout, spacing, and formatting.

  3. Real-Time Updating: The preview should update in real time as I make changes to the template, allowing me to see the effects of my edits immediately.

  4. Error Indication: If certain elements of the template cannot be rendered as intended in the WhatsApp message, the preview should clearly indicate this, either through an error message or a visual cue.

Describe Alternatives You've Considered:

In seeking solutions to the preview issue, I've considered the following alternatives:

  1. External Preview Tools: Using third-party tools or software to previsualize the WhatsApp message. However, this is not an ideal solution as it adds extra steps to the process and may not fully align with the specific formatting used in our tool.

  2. Manual Formatting Checks: Manually double-checking the formatting in the message template by cross-referencing with WhatsApp's formatting guidelines. While this can be a temporary workaround, it is time-consuming and prone to human error.

  3. Feedback Loop with Test Messages: Sending test messages to a controlled group or individual to check the actual output. This method, though effective in some cases, is inefficient for frequent and rapid template modifications.

Each of these alternatives, while offering temporary solutions, does not fully resolve the issue and adds additional layers of complexity or effort to the process.

Additional Context:

This feature request stems from the need to streamline the template creation process, reducing the time and effort required to create and revise WhatsApp message templates. Currently, the lack of accurate previsualization has led to increased workloads and frustration, as templates often have to be adjusted multiple times to achieve the desired format.

Attached are screenshots demonstrating the discrepancies between the current preview display and the actual message format as seen in WhatsApp. These highlight the specific areas where the preview fails to accurately represent line breaks and other formatting features.

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Implementing a reliable and accurate preview feature will not only improve efficiency but also enhance user satisfaction by providing a more intuitive and error-free template creation experience.

DanielZambSB commented 3 months ago

closed and in prod!!!!

DanielZambSB commented 3 months ago
