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Have X Beginning highlight amount scaling starting weapons (and whatever Trouser picks first if it has amount scaling) #28

Closed wraith309 closed 5 months ago

wraith309 commented 6 months ago

I checked the edge cases since Scorj-oni's lightning is easy enough to count.

Hidden weapons do not count as a starting weapon, and Trouser's candy box choice does.

also, it works on characters with Blood Astronomia, which sort of implies that despite not needing them, things like garlic still have an amount stat, it just isn't used. which brings me to my other suggestion...

29 having Blood Astronomia give amount and magnet scaling to their respective weapons.

wraith309 commented 6 months ago

so characters who only start with hidden weapons do not benefit from beginning beyond the bonus it provides to joke weapons.

wraith309 commented 5 months ago

I completely understand if this sounds like too much of a hassle though. Mainly because of Trouser

Danmer commented 5 months ago

Well noticed. Yeah, Trouser makes it a little harder. I made it this way for now:

If you have any other suggestions to this list, feel free to reopen the issue.