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Add patch 1.10 content #66

Open wraith309 opened 2 months ago

wraith309 commented 2 months ago

Namely 2 new characters and 2 new weapons

wraith309 commented 2 months ago

the new weapons share the same Arcana and Stats

Santa Javelin evolves into Seraphic Cry

Arcana: I, II, III, XVI

Stats: Might Area Amount Duration Cooldown Evolves with Luck

wraith309 commented 2 months ago

there are also new stages but they don't have guaranteed stage items so eh...

wraith309 commented 2 months ago

the First new character: Santa +Armor +Luck Starting weapon: Santa Javelin

wraith309 commented 2 months ago

Second new character: Gyoruntin +Health +Armor +Movespeed +Curse Starting weapon: NO FUTURE

Danmer commented 2 months ago

Thank you for this and other opened issues. Finally I have found some time to fix part of them and add 1.10 content. I hope nothing is missed.

wraith309 commented 2 months ago

this one's my bad, i said it was impacted by the Gemini arcana but forgot to mention the Gemini weapon. if you include that, there are technically 3 new weapons. the mirrored Santa Javelin is called Levelin'Eh

Danmer commented 2 months ago

forgot to mention the mirrored Santa Javelin

It is already added as a counterpart if Gemini is selected. Should it be added somewhere else?


wraith309 commented 2 months ago

huh, it's there now. i think maybe i just didn't see it before as a consequence of #67

wraith309 commented 1 month ago

It turns out one of the 1.10 stages does in fact have stage items, the fact that they're hidden behind levers just makes it a lot harder to verify for certain without repeatedly running the stage. Since it does in fact have stage items, it should probably be added to the list of stages in the planner.

Laborratory contains: Santa Javelin Metaglio Left Metaglio Right

Danmer commented 3 weeks ago

Added lab, but I'm not sure about the stage items.

I was told in Discord that bible, cross, water, arma dio and rings are also dropped there.

Also the wiki says there are: Passives: Clover, Attractorb, Spellbinder, Arma Dio Weapons: Cross, King Bible, Santa Javelin, Santa Water And 4 hidden stage items if the player has obtained the Yellow Sign: Silver Ring, Metaglio Right, Gold Ring, Metaglio Left

wraith309 commented 3 weeks ago

damn, must just be my luck then. good to know there are more items.