DannyBen / alf

Bash Alias Generator and Manager
MIT License
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Is this compatible with ZSH? #31

Closed akefirad closed 3 years ago

akefirad commented 3 years ago

I couldn't find this anywhere. Is this compatible with ZSH? Thanks.

DannyBen commented 3 years ago

You didn't find it because I never tested it on ZSH, or any other terminal except bash.

DannyBen commented 3 years ago

Ok. After initial tests, it almost works and requires these fixes:

Currently, it adds bash completion lines like the below to the ~/.bash_aliases script

complete -W "pull build" docker

I need to find what is the alternative in ZSH for one-liner completions, and change it when using ZSH.

In addition, the aliases are stored in ~/.bash_aliases, which is automatically sourced by typical login scripts. I am assuming it is not sourced in ZSH, right? If not, then users either need to add the source line manually, or I need to create the equivalent file for ZSH (I am guessing ~/.zsh_aliases?).

akefirad commented 3 years ago

About aliases, according to this and this it should be as easy as add .bashrc and .bash_aliases to .zshrc. But not sure about completion. Would you please kindly test and make it official? I also can help with testing if you tell me what exactly needs to be verified (just to make sure we're not missing anything). Thanks.

DannyBen commented 3 years ago

Sure thing, I think I found the way.

I just found out in this answer a way to make the simple bash completion lines also work in ZSH. I just need to add these two lines before running the complete commands:

autoload -U +X compinit && compinit
autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit

and it seems to be working.

I will work on it tomorrow and hopefully make it work, and would appreciate your help verifying (since I am running it inside a dockerized Alpine ZSH).

akefirad commented 3 years ago

Just ping me, when you need me to verify.

DannyBen commented 3 years ago

Ok - there is an initial attempt in #32.

In order to test it, you need to:

  1. Ensure you still have a modern version of bash (>= 4.0), since alf uses associative arrays
  2. Download alf and the sample alf.conf from the new branch (links already do that).
  3. From the folder you downloaded to, just run ./alf g to see that alf itself works (it will just output the aliases to stdout)
  4. Then you can do ./alf save and it will save it in your ~/.bash_aliases, which you can then source ~/.bash_aliases and have the sample aliases defined and with autocompletion for subcommands.
DannyBen commented 3 years ago

@akefirad I think the pull request is ready. What is left is "real world" verification.

I changed it a little since my previous comment, so if you already tested, it would be great if you can test again.

Waiting for your input.

akefirad commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. So I followed your instruction. Everything works as you said with the sample alf.conf. However when I tried alf connect akefirad (it's based on your template), it generates a ~/.bash_aliases that when sourced in ZSH, fails with /Users/rad/.bash_aliases:604: parse error near `()' Looking at the aliases file, it seems the logic to generate repeat alias it not right:

unalias repeat 1>/dev/null 2>&1
repeat() {
  for i in `seq $1`; do ${@:2} ; done

If I comment this out, the rest of aliases seem to work just fine.

DannyBen commented 3 years ago


Yes, I also noticed that repeat cannot be aliased in ZSH. I also commented it out from my own personal repo (which happens to be the template).

I might need to separate the template from my personal repo (although this would be difficult, since the repo name alf-conf has meaning).

Thanks for opening this issue and testing it, I am closing and releasing a version.

Please feel free to comment here, or open other issues (or questions) if any arise.

akefirad commented 3 years ago

Awesome, thanks for the awesome tool mate!

DannyBen commented 3 years ago

@akefirad - by the way, in the future, if you want to delete an alias, you should not edit the ~/.bash_aliases file. You should simply delete (or comment) it from the config file and run alf save again.