DannyDannyDanny / methodology

Work-in-prog methodology for production level data management / data science projects (and more)
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Keyboard Mapping #7

Open DannyDannyDanny opened 2 years ago

DannyDannyDanny commented 2 years ago

KDE keyboard mappings suck. Add a separate section for Keyboard Mappings.

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Keyboard Layout

Mac Layout

⇥ Tab Q W E ...
⇪ Caps A S D ...
⇧ Shift `~ Z X ...
⌃ Ctrl ⌥ Opt ⌘ Cmd Space ...

Win Layout

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Desired Layout

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Nice keyboard formatting ⌥ Opt ⌃ Control ⇧ Shift ⌘ Cmd ⎋ Escape ⇪ Caps ⇥ Tab ⏏︎ Eject ⏏︎ ⌫ Delete

The European Extra-key ~`

image img source

Typing test

For lack of a better place to put it here's a typing test

DannyDannyDanny commented 1 year ago

farah.cl/Keyboardery/ is a great resource:
