DannySeidel / typst-dhbw-template

Unofficial Typst DHBW Template
MIT License
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Add titlepage options and minor fixes #4

Closed GehriJan closed 2 months ago

GehriJan commented 3 months ago

This PR contains the following changes to the repo:


In main.typ, the following parameters can be specified:

  1. typeOfDegree (optional)
  2. typeOfThesis (optional)
  3. timeOfProject

Optional parameters will only be shown when specified.

The date on the titlepage is now shown in the english date format, when language is specified to english.

Code restructuring

Restructured the author informations on the titlepage. Infos, that are displayed everytime now only appear once in the code

Minor fixes

DannySeidel commented 2 months ago

Hi there,

Thanks for the contribution 🙏🏻

I added your suggestions to my currently open PR draft (https://github.com/typst/packages/pull/761) in the typst/packages repo and changed some of your ideas to better match the rest of the template.

For example, the date attribute now takes either one date (e.g. submission of the thesis) or a date range in the form of an array (e.g. start and end of the project). Furthermore, I liked the idea of marking optional arguments in the docs, but I switched up your idea and decided to mark all required arguments, as this is more common (e.g. if you fill out a form).

One quick suggestion: you used camelCase to name your variables; typst recommends using kebab-case, so I will stick with that to keep consistency with the other templates.

I will close this PR as the changes are now part of the linked PR. Thanks again for your suggestions!