Danp2 / au3WebDriver

Web Driver UDF for AutoIt
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_WD_GetTable() - support for $sStrategy #501

Closed mlipok closed 11 months ago

mlipok commented 11 months ago

Pull request

Proposed changes

There is a need to locate <table> element in a common way. For this reason _WD_GetTable() should have the same possibility as others like _WD_FindElement() , _WD_WaitElement() and others.


Types of changes

What is the current behavior?

_WD_GetTable() only support $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath

_WD_GetTable($sSession, "//table")

What is the new behavior?

_WD_GetTable() support all $_WDLOCATOR***

_WD_GetTable($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//table")

Influences and relationship to other functionality

!!! SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE !!! All _WD_GetTable() usage requires to add new 2nd parameter $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, and moving previously/recently the second parameter to the third position

Additional context


System under test

not related