Danp2 / au3WebDriver

Web Driver UDF for AutoIt
MIT License
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_WD_UpdateDriver - desired BrowserVersion #517

Open mlipok opened 4 months ago

mlipok commented 4 months ago

Pull request

Proposed changes

User should be able to provide specific/desired browser version to download/update desired driver


Types of changes

Please check x the type of change your PR introduces:

What is the current behavior?

computer station should be connected to internet to be able to get driver related to current computer station

What is the new behavior?

you can check browser version computer only with INTRANET (not connected to internet) store them for example to INI file, and downlad the desired driver on different computer

Influences and relationship to other functionality


Additional context



System under test

not related

Danp2 commented 5 days ago

@mlipok This looks good to me. One thing to consider is what happens if an invalid browser version is supplied by the user? Does some form of validity check need to be performed on this parameter?

Sven-Seyfert commented 19 hours ago

Hi to both of you 👋 ,

One thing to consider is what happens if an invalid browser version is supplied by the user? Does some form of validity check need to be performed on this parameter?

My honest answer is no. Why should we/you provide a mechanism to validate such specific user input? In case you define a specific browser version, I am quite sure that the user have to check the correct version on themself. Of course I understand your aspect of providing almost the best and most comfortable way for the user, but I didn't see such "helping hand" in Selenium, WebdriverIO or Playwright.

It could also be very tricky and error prone to add a good validation, because of the provided browser versions of the provider webpages etc. And: it would increase the complexity of the code which is in this case not necessary.

But: This is only my opinion and 2 Cents for that 😇 .

Best regards Sven

@Danp2 @mlipok