DanteA-tech / GLADV2

Ashwin Dante Gershawn and Linky-dinky-slinky
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Lincolns review #3

Open LincolnC2008 opened 6 months ago

LincolnC2008 commented 6 months ago

Lincoln- Binary to Decimal Converter Game

What Lincoln did: After we met for our live review, I realized that I had a good idea going and it was fully functional vut I needed some sort of way for the audience to learn what a binary numbereven is so I added a hint button which would also qualify as my key commit.

  1. Interactive Binary Game:

    • Purpose: Engaging users in guessing decimal equivalents of binary numbers showcases the practical application of binary logic in a playful and interactive manner.
    • Value: Offers users a hands-on experience to reinforce their understanding of binary-to-decimal conversion, a fundamental concept in computer science.
  2. Visual and Explanatory Hint Button:

    • Purpose: The "Hint" button provides visual aids and explanatory text, aiding users in comprehending the conversion process, thereby emphasizing the educational value of the project.
    • Value: Illustrates binary logic by providing additional educational support, aligning with the project's intent to assist users in grasping the underlying concepts.
  3. Meeting CPT Requirements:

    • User Engagement: The interactive game engages users in actively participating, contributing to the user-centered design aspect.
    • Educational Support: The provision of hints aligns with the educational component outlined in CPT requirements, ensuring users receive guidance for understanding binary logic.
    • Functional Demonstration: The code functions as intended, demonstrating the conversion process, meeting the requirement for demonstrating functionality related to binary-to-decimal conversion.
  4. HTML Structure: The HTML file sets up the structure of the game, providing elements for displaying the binary number, input field for guesses, buttons, and containers for visual elements.

  5. JavaScript Logic:

    • Random Binary Generation: The generateRandomBinary() function generates a random 8-bit binary number.
    • Display Binary: It displays the generated binary number as both text and visually in the form of binary digits.
    • Starting the Game: When the user clicks on the "Check Guess" button or the game area, it initiates the startRide() function. Game Logic:
    • If the game hasn't started (rideStarted = false) Once the animation completes or if the game has started, it checks the user's guess using the checkGuess() function.
    • It validates the user input and compares it against the decimal equivalent of the randomly generated binary.
    • If the guess is correct, it triggers a success message, updates the score (if implemented), animates the carnival cart, generates a new binary number, and resets the game for the next round.
    • If the guess is incorrect, it provides the correct answer and prompts the user to try again.
  6. Hint Functionality:

    • The "Hint" button, when clicked, reveals an explanatory hint regarding binary-to-decimal conversion, utilizing both textual and visual aids to assist users in understanding the conversion process.
    • User Interaction: Users engage by inputting decimal guesses, receiving immediate feedback on correctness, and having access to educational hints to aid in comprehension.
  7. Retrospective -I could have added a point system to aid the people who want to be competitive

    • The Hint button could have been more interactive and specific to each binary number

Lincoln Tangibles https://clipchamp.com/watch/3dAmSQNwGxM - video

tuckergol commented 6 months ago

Dec. 11 Individual Crossover Grading to Lincoln by Tucker


(.85 + .85 + .7 + .8 + .8) = 0.8/0.9


