DanteA-tech / student

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Individual review #2

Open DanteA-tech opened 4 months ago

DanteA-tech commented 4 months ago
  1. Individual review for blog
  2. Link to video
nitinsandiego commented 4 months ago

CB Requirements Part 1:

Project Idea and integration looks good and complete. Work overview in Frontend and backend description seems to meet CPT requirements. Key commits seem to be important and vital to the projects success. Input is clear, user answers questions provided by the quiz. Lists are included (the questions asked on the quiz), data collection is met as based on responses grade level is given which is saved to user in db. Procedure is met with all components complete. Algorithm has all information, but description could include terms such as "if statements" "for loops", etc. Calling is complete but too generic, screen capture specific part that calls for your student-developed procedure. Output is clear: class grade based on input and alter of data table CB Requirement Part 2:

Video is complete and displays feature clearly with all college board requirements. However, many captions block off the screen in places it shouldn't and a little too careless and unprofessional. Adding transitions and contrasting captions can help. Your captions explain your feature thoroughly though.

Blog Grading

Score: 0.9/1 --> boosted to 1/1