DanysysTeam / PS-SFTA

PowerShell Set File Type Association
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Cleanup $allApplicationAssociationToasts handling #27

Open devinnate opened 1 year ago

devinnate commented 1 year ago


  1. The code that first initializes $allApplicationAssociationToasts will cause $allApplicationAssociationToasts to be a string, rather than an array, if the original call returns 1 result. This leads to the resultant buildup of a string, not an array, by the subsequent calls, which isn't right.

  2. While fixing this, I rewrote portions of $allApplicationAssociationToasts to be (at least in my opinion) easier to read and troubleshoot. I believe it is functionally identical, however YMMV.

Tested on Powershell 7 w/ StrictMode -Version 3

Submitting my proposed changes back. Sorry that this is just raw code, not a diff. I can convert to diff if desired.

$allApplicationAssociationToasts = @(
  Get-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\$Extension\OpenWithList\* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {

$allApplicationAssociationToasts += @(
  Get-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\$Extension\OpenWithProgids -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
    $_.Property | Where-Object { $_ -and $_ -ne "(default)" }

$allApplicationAssociationToasts += @(
  Get-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\*\Capabilities\* , HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\*\Capabilities\* -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.PSChildName -in "URLAssociations", "FileAssociations" } | ForEach-Object {
    if ($_.Property -contains $Extension) {
      Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $_.PSPath -Name $Extension

$allApplicationAssociationToasts | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object {
  if (Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ApplicationAssociationToasts -Name "$($_)_$($Extension)" -Value 0 -Type DWord -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -PassThru) {
    Write-Verbose  ("Write Reg ApplicationAssociationToastsList OK: " + $_ + "_" + $Extension)
  else {
    Write-Verbose  ("Write Reg ApplicationAssociationToastsList FAILED: " + $_ + "_" + $Extension)