DanysysTeam / PS-SFTA

PowerShell Set File Type Association
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Question ? #3

Closed mikhoul closed 3 years ago

mikhoul commented 3 years ago

First thanks for this scripts ! :+1:

Could you explain to me what is the difference between Set-FTA and Register-FTA ? 🤔

Could I always use Regsiter-FTA with the path of the program instead of using Set-FTA with the program ID since are hard to find when program are not associated already with an extension ?

It's not clear to me the difference between the two, some simple exemples when to use them would help me a lot.

One last question: With Set-PTA could I use a path instead of a program-ID ?

Best Regards ! :octocat:

Danyfirex commented 3 years ago

Hello @mikhoul
The difference is that Set-FTA is used for already installed applications and Register-FTA is for a portable application.

I would prefer to use Register-FTA only with Portable applications.

About Set-PTA It will not register the application first. So You would need to use Register-FTA. Set-PTA is just a wrapper function, internally it use Set-FTA so You could use Register-FTA passing a protocol instead a file type. it will work. Just do this way.

Register-FTA "C:\DemoApp.exe" ftp


mikhoul commented 3 years ago

Register-FTA passing a protocol instead a file type. it will work. Just do this way.

I figured it last night, I was successful in associating the FTP protocol to Brave using Register-FTA.