Dapp-Learning-DAO / DLIP

Dapp-Learning Improvement Proposal
Apache License 2.0
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DLIP-023 sharing meetup reward [1600 dai] #23

Open liberhe opened 1 year ago

liberhe commented 1 year ago

Abstract: Apply to reward the new contributors of the sharing meetup(2022.7.31~2022.11.13).

Reference implementation: It is recommended that jolycao(YFI code analysis), Alan(using foundry framework to accelerate the development of smart contracts), comcat(GMX project analysis), 0xstan(EulerFinance code analysis), ddy(dark forest project interpretation ), qizhou(KZG and EIP-4844), jolycao(Frax project interpretation),mc(artGobblers project interpretation ), arc(《True nyms and crypto anarchy》reading sharing), xiao_zcloak(W3C DID fundamental concepetion and application)

摘要: 申请奖励新一批优秀分享者(2022.7.31~2022.11.13)。

参考实现 : 建议目前优秀的分享者 jolycao(YFI 源码解析), Alan(使用 foundry 框架加速智能合约开发), comcat(GMX项目分享), 0xstan(EulerFinance代码解析), ddy(dark forest相关), qizhou(KZG and EIP-4844) , Joly(Frax 项目分享), mc(artGobblers),arc(《True nyms and crypto anarchy》读书会) , xiao_zcloak(W3C DID fundamental concepetion and application)给以每人160dai 奖励 (160 USDC)。

0x-stan commented 1 year ago


yingjingyang commented 1 year ago
