T shirt
Purchased 30 T-shirts and distributed them to community members as Dapp Learning community welfare, with a total cost of 1000 RMB
Community Offline Meeting
In order to strengthen communication among community members, Dapp Learning offline dinner party will be held in Shenzhen on 2023.12, with a total cost of 700 RMB
Server Procurement
Set up the official website of Dapp Learning community, which can be used to issue rewards to the weekly sharers or send welfare red envelopes to the community members, and also facilitate the better publicity of Dapp Learning community. A server is specially purchased, with a total cost of 5600 RMB
T恤 采购 30 件 T恤作为 Dapp Learning 社区福利发放给社区成员, 共花费 1000 RMB
深圳聚餐 为加强社区成员间的沟通交流, 2023.12 在深圳举行 Dapp Learning 线下聚餐活动, 共花费 700 RMB
服务器采购 搭建 Dapp Learning 社区官网, 用于给每周分享者发放 Reward, 或是给社区成员发送福利红包, 同时也便于更好的宣传 Dapp Learning 社区, 特采购服务器一台, 共花费 5600 RMB
Expense Breakdown
T shirt Purchased 30 T-shirts and distributed them to community members as Dapp Learning community welfare, with a total cost of 1000 RMB
Community Offline Meeting In order to strengthen communication among community members, Dapp Learning offline dinner party will be held in Shenzhen on 2023.12, with a total cost of 700 RMB
Server Procurement Set up the official website of Dapp Learning community, which can be used to issue rewards to the weekly sharers or send welfare red envelopes to the community members, and also facilitate the better publicity of Dapp Learning community. A server is specially purchased, with a total cost of 5600 RMB