Dapp-Learning-DAO / DLIP

Dapp-Learning Improvement Proposal
Apache License 2.0
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DLIP-62 Official Website Development reward for yuanmomo [3000U] #64

Open yanyanho opened 3 months ago

yanyanho commented 3 months ago

DLIP-62 申请奖励官网杰出贡献者yuanmomo,赞助3K USD以资助其购买开发设备, 承诺持续参与后续6个月的官网后端开发。

DLIP-62 Application for rewarding the outstanding contributor of the official website, Yuanmomo, by sponsoring 3K USD to subsidize the purchase of development equipment, and he promises committing to participate in the back-end development of the official website for the following 6 months.

yuanmomo commented 3 months ago

Thank you to the community. Moving forward, I will not only maintain the back-end of the official website but also actively engage in the development of Web 3.0.