Applying for a grant to support the development of the DL official website , including the addition of new features and optimization of user experience.
Add features such as defi monitor, bridge & swap, optimize redpacket, and support base, polygonZkEvm networks. Open source the dapp-learning-app web3 toolkit and develop the dl website admin management platform.
Reference implementation
New Features
Optimize redpacket code and add network support for base, polygonZkEvm.
Decentralize the split redpacket feature by storing related data on IPFS and removing backend dependencies.
Develop admin management backend.
Defi Monitor module.
Lending whale monitoring.
Integrate Lifi bridge & swap module.
Expected to complete the construction of the above requirements by April 15, 2024, with a total budget of 1800 U for personnel expenses and other costs.
Phase IV construction (delivered on 2024/4/15) 1800 U
申请一笔grant用于对DL 官网 ( 的建设,添加新功能并优化体验。
为网站添加 defi monitor, bridge&swap 等功能,优化 redpacket ,并支持 base, polygonZkEvm 网络, 开源 dapp-learning-app web3 工具集,dl website admin 管理平台。
预期2024年4月15日前完成上述需求的建设,人员支出和其他费用总计预算 1800 U。
第四期建设(2024/4/15 已交付)1800 u
Applying for a grant to support the development of the DL official website , including the addition of new features and optimization of user experience.
Add features such as defi monitor, bridge & swap, optimize redpacket, and support base, polygonZkEvm networks. Open source the dapp-learning-app web3 toolkit and develop the dl website admin management platform.
Reference implementation
New Features
Expected to complete the construction of the above requirements by April 15, 2024, with a total budget of 1800 U for personnel expenses and other costs.
Phase IV construction (delivered on 2024/4/15) 1800 U
500ualready disbursed)400ualready disbursed)500ualready disbursed)300ualready disbursed)