Dappers24 / ThreeTube

A Web3 based Video Streaming Application
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An NFT marketplace #5

Open sgcodes7471 opened 1 week ago

sgcodes7471 commented 1 week ago

In smart contract : Add a function and an event to get all the nft's In Subgraph: Deploy this contract In frontend: Make a dialog box for nft marketPlace with a option to buy.

sgcodes7471 commented 2 days ago

As of now, partially added the market place: Added in contracts and deployed. Made necessary UI changes for market.

Next Agenda's :

  1. redeploy the subgraph of the main contract, then add the feature to view your own videos.
  2. Make necessary functions in api/contracts to make request to mint videos and buy tokens to the nft contract.
  3. Deploy a subgraph of the nft contract and then connect it to the client side to view all listed tokens/ my purchased tokens and my listed tokens(necessary events already in the nft contract)