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General Army Structures of WWI #13

Open Dapscoptyltd opened 6 years ago

Dapscoptyltd commented 6 years ago
Rank Command Approximate number of men under command German Equivalent French Equivalent
Field-Marshal Army Group 2,000,000 Generalfeldmarschall Maréchal de France
General Army 300,000 Generaloberst Général d’Armée
Lieutenant-General Corps 60,000 General der Infanterie/Kavallerie/Artillerie Général de Corps d’Armée
Major-General Division 12,000 Generalleutnant Général de Division
Brigadier-General Brigade 3,500 Generalmajor Général de Brigade
Lieutenant-Colonel Battalion commanding  officer (CO) 1,000 Oberstleutnant Lieutenant-Colonel
Major Battalion second in command   Major Commandant
Captain Company 200 Hauptmann Capitaine
Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant Platoon 50 Oberleutnant or Leutnant Lieutenant or Sous-Lieutenant
Sergeant Platoon second in command   Feldwebel or Sergeant Sergent
Corporal or Lance Corporal Section 12 Unteroffizier orGefreiter Caporal
Private None 0 Soldat Soldat

Obtained from: https://www.bl.uk/world-war-one/articles/military-structures-and-ranks

Dapscoptyltd commented 6 years ago

AWM 26, item 233/8; Bean, Vol IV, pg. 707; War Diary 5 Div Arty, item 265/1. According to Bean, (In Horner, pg. 151) the two brigades in a divisional artillery section had 24 officers and 780 men as operational strength.