Dapscoptyltd / QGIS

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Technical Log: Install or add a map to QGIS. #6

Open Dapscoptyltd opened 7 years ago

Dapscoptyltd commented 7 years ago

Using the QuickMapServices plugin:

  1. Select Web > QuickMapServices > OSM > OSM Standard
  2. Click OSM Standard.
    • This began the OSM (Open Street Maps) standard world map download.
    • Once completed, I began to zoom into various locations and explored functions in the QGIS application.
    • The OSM Standard map loaded into a layer called "OSM Standard" in the Layers panel. screen shot 2017-05-21 at 18 30 18

To see what other options for OSM Maps were available, I downloaded another map:

  1. Select Web > QuickMapServices > OSM > OSM TF Landscape
  2. Click OSM TF Landscape.
    • This began the OSM TF Landscape world map download.
    • Once completed, I began to zoom into various locations and explored functions in the QGIS application.
    • This second map loaded into map layer "OSM TF Landscape".

I looked and examined the main QGIS window, and noticed in the "Search QMS" window contained a set of Belgian orthographic photos. screen shot 2017-05-21 at 18 33 13

I attempted to download these:

  1. Move the cursor to "Search QMS" window, in the "Belgium AGIV Orthophoto Flanders" panel.
  2. Click the "Add" button.
    • The orthographic photos downloaded, and were saved automatically as a new layer.
    • The layer is called the "Belgium AGIV Orthophoto Flanders" in the Layers panel.

I needed to prove that this was a world map which would zoom into a small town in Zonnebeke, and that these maps, when zoomed into the location around Zonnebeke would provide a level of road details and other landmarks that could be used to locate the situation maps I expect to use in the thesis project. Later zoomed screenshots show the "OSM Standard" layer, "OSM TF Landscape layer," and the "Belgium AGIV Orthophoto Flanders" layer. The next three shots are below: screen shot 2017-05-21 at 18 47 21 screen shot 2017-05-21 at 18 52 34 screen shot 2017-05-21 at 18 53 34

Check the map detail and location information level with other sources.

  1. Zoom into Europe.
  2. Locate Belgium.
  3. Open the AWM resource: "E.A Situation Map : Approx British Front Line - From Information received up to 7pm.10.10.17" extracted from AWM file: "RCDIG1014546-4 - Australian Imperial Force war diaries 1914-18 War. Artillery. Item Number: 13/32/19; Title: Headquarters, 4th Australian Field Artillery Brigade" pg. 65.
  4. Verify map landmarks and town locations.
    • This looked like this: screen shot 2017-05-21 at 18 22 37
  5. Open Google Maps and enter: Zonnebeke, Belgium.
    • The map opens with Zonnebeke showing. screen shot 2017-05-21 at 18 21 36
  6. Locate Antwerp, Ypres and Zonnebeke using zoom and Pan Map tools on the OSM Standard map.
  7. Examine the location and map data for Zonnebeke, noting landmarks and general layout of the map.
    • Observation notes:
    • The map is a huge series of separate images, and every time you move or zoom in, a set of files is downloaded. This progress is shown in the bottom left corner as these two screenshots demonstrate: screen shot 2017-05-21 at 18 28 13 screen shot 2017-05-21 at 18 52 46
Dapscoptyltd commented 7 years ago

With respect to my last comment this is indeed correct. This page link: https://docs.qgis.org/2.18/en/docs/user_manual/working_with_ogc/ogc_client_support.html describes quite well how WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) systems work and this is exactly as I surmised.