Darachnid / Boston-Meshnet

Mesh networking for Boston: Connecting communities with Meshtastic devices for neighborhood alerts, air quality, and social justice projects. Join us to build a resilient, a socially adaptable community
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Needs Based Assessment #5

Open Darachnid opened 4 months ago

Darachnid commented 4 months ago


This project utilizes the Meshtastic mesh network to improve connectivity across Boston. It addresses critical gaps in local communication infrastructure, aiming to make it easier for communities to stay connected without relying on traditional internet services. By establishing a decentralized network, we're focusing on creating a more resilient and cooperative environment where information can be shared efficiently, support can be mobilized quickly, and community engagement can be enhanced. This initiative is vital for fostering stronger, more self-sufficient communities.

1. Define the Scope and Objectives

Scope: Identify specific Boston communities to focus on, considering factors such as demographic diversity, geographic areas, and existing community networks. Objectives: Aim to enhance local connectivity for educational purposes and mutual aid activities, fostering community resilience and support.

2. Gather Preliminary Data

Desk Research: Collect existing information on community demographics, current educational resources, mutual aid networks, and connectivity challenges. Community Profiles: Develop profiles for targeted communities, highlighting unique educational needs, mutual aid activities, and potential barriers to connectivity.

3. Engage with the Community

Surveys: Design surveys to understand the community's educational needs, current mutual aid efforts, and interest in mesh networking solutions. Focus Groups: Hold focus group discussions with community members to explore in-depth the potential applications of mesh networks for education and mutual aid. Stakeholder Interviews: Interview educators, community organizers, and local leaders to gain insights into community needs and opportunities for mesh network applications.

4. Identify Communication Gaps and Opportunities

Analyze Data: Review collected data to pinpoint specific needs in education and mutual aid that a mesh network could address. Technology Match: Evaluate how Meshtastic’s features—such as its long-range, low-cost, and resilient network—can support educational initiatives and mutual aid activities.

5. Assess Technical and Logistical Feasibility

Infrastructure Evaluation: Assess the practicality of deploying Meshtastic devices in the community, considering geographic layout, available power sources, and potential locations for nodes. Resource Assessment: Determine the resources required for network setup and maintenance, including funding, technical expertise, and community involvement.

6. Develop Recommendations

Solution Design: Formulate specific recommendations for using the Meshtastic network to support education (e.g., distributing educational content, creating a local communication network for schools) and mutual aid (e.g., coordinating resource sharing, communicating needs and offers). Implementation Plan: Propose a step-by-step plan for network deployment, including community engagement, technical setup, testing phases, and strategies for scaling and sustainability.

7. Present Findings and Engage Partners

Community Feedback: Share the assessment findings with the community and key stakeholders to gather input and refine the recommendations. Partnership Development: Identify potential collaborators, such as educational institutions, local non-profits, and tech enthusiasts, to support network implementation and growth.

8. Pilot and Evaluate

Pilot Projects: Launch pilot projects based on the recommendations to test their effectiveness in enhancing education and supporting mutual aid within the community. Continuous Evaluation: Regularly assess the impact of the network, soliciting community feedback to adjust and expand the initiative effectively.