DarianFlorianVoda / BioShapes

Bachelor Thesis R Package
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[Helper] Improved scaling of shiftLine #53

Closed discoleo closed 2 years ago

discoleo commented 2 years ago

[Helper] shiftLine Function

An improved calculation of the scaling:

### Shift Line
# d = distance to shift (translate);
shiftLine = function(x, y, d=1, slope=NULL, scale=1) {
  if(is.null(slope)) {
    if(length(x) < 2 || length(y) < 2)
      stop("The base-line requires 2 points!");
    # TODO: handle if more than 2 points!
    slope = compute_slope(x,y);
  } else {
    if(missing(y)) {
      # both coordinates encoded using parameter x;
      y = x[2]; x = x[1];
  ### Vertical Line
  if(abs(slope) == Inf) {
    if(length(d) == 1) {
      r = data.frame(x = x + d, y = y);
    } else {
      r = lapply(seq(along=d), function(id) {
        data.frame(x = x + d[id], y = y, id=id);
      r = do.call(rbind, r);
  ### Horizontal Line
  if(slope == 0) {
    d = d * scale;
    if(length(d) == 1) {
      r = data.frame(x = x, y = y + d);
    } else {
      r = lapply(seq(along=d), function(id) {
        data.frame(x = x, y = y + d[id], id=id);
      r = do.call(rbind, r);
  ### Oblique Line
  sl.orto = - 1 / slope;
  sl2 = sqrt(sl.orto^2 + 1/scale^2);
  sl.orto = sl.orto * scale;
  # shift Start- & End-points:
  shift.f = function(x, y, id) {
    delta = d[id] / sl2;
    x.sh  = x + delta / scale;
    y.sh  = delta*sl.orto + y;
    data.frame(x=x.sh, y=y.sh, id=id);
  rez = lapply(seq(length(d)), function(id) shift.f(x, y, id))
  rez = data.frame(do.call(rbind, rez));
DarianFlorianVoda commented 2 years ago
