Dariasteam / TowerJumper

Casual ability game
GNU General Public License v3.0
120 stars 38 forks source link

Bouncy sound is too long #36

Open zander opened 5 years ago

zander commented 5 years ago

Every time the ball bounces a sample is started.

Unfortunately the sample is not representative of the physical world, and as such it is not beneficial to those of us more in tune with sounds than with visual queues.

The problem is that the sound has essentially two 'tuds'. One when it lands and one directly after. Approximately when the ball reaches the highest point

In real life a ball only ever makes a sound when it lands, there is no second sound.

The natural consequence of this is that a new player will have problems timing the movements. Ideally a user starts movements of the tower immediately after the ball hits the ground, as that means they have the most time before the ball hits the ground again. In real life this means they move as soon as the sound of the bounce finishes.
In the game, however, the sound is both when the ball hits the ground, and again when it is at the highest point.

Please make the bounce sound one simple 'thud' instead of two.

tessus commented 5 years ago

I think this is a matter of opinion.

I see it like this: The thud is when the ball hits the ground. The ball compresses and on its way up it uncompresses and makes the sound until it has no more energy and is fully uncompressed with no more force pushing in or out. It's a coincidence that this happens to be where the ball stops at its apex. I suspect that a shorter sound effect would make it too hectic.

zander commented 5 years ago

Emulating nature is rarely about opinions because the facts are so easy to verify.

For instance a search on youtube gave me this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY3TrpiUOqE
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZlYl0l2lFs

This fully supports the points I was making. A ball doesn't make any noticeable sound at "uncompress".

tessus commented 5 years ago

Please note that this is a GAME and not a simulator/emulator.

In nature a ball is not jumping perpetually up and down. Neither would a tower move left or right. So either you change all things to make this game an emulator, or you accept the fact that people take artistic licenses. A major point in games is using your imagination which is why I wrote: I see it like this.

And yes, I do know that usually a ball does not make a sound when it returns to its natural state. However that does not mean that one can't create a ball that does just that. (I think I even had something similar in my hands once.)

zander commented 5 years ago

Hmm, not sure if I made it clear that I have no problems with artistic and don't expect a simulator.

What I tried to explain when I wrote;

The natural consequence of this is that a new player will have problems timing the movements.

is that the gameplay is actively affected in a negative way due to the sound being unnatural.

Specifically, the "uncompress" sound is very hard to maybe even impossible to separate from the initial "it hits the ground" sound. The result is that if your eyes are busy elsewhere and you use your ears to define when to move, you have a 50% chance of being wrong.

The gameplay is the issue, and the solution is pretty simple.

I'm not sure why this is worth a debate...

tessus commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure why this is worth a debate...

Because I like it the way it is, and I would hate it, if the sound were changed. You made your point, I made mine. So now the dev has to decide what to do next. Easy.