Dariensg / Hellions-Sniffer-Plus

Apache License 2.0
4 stars 7 forks source link

Sign crashes me. #8

Closed evelynn999000 closed 10 months ago

evelynn999000 commented 11 months ago


Crashed when placing sign.

FuturisticDruid commented 11 months ago

Noticed 2 things in recent log-

Unable to load model: 'snifferplus:potted_stone_pine_sapling#inventory' referenced from: snifferplus:potted_stone_pine_sapling#inventory: java.io.FileNotFoundException: snifferplus:models/item/potted_stone_pine_sapling.json and "Failed to generate hanging sign extension texture for snifferplus:stone_pine. Could be that the target mod isnt registering their wood type properly"

Zunwolf1896 commented 11 months ago

We figured out having the Epic Knights mod isntalled was causing these crashes, I have linked the bugs together.

Dariensg commented 11 months ago

Given that any of the other mods causes Epic Knights to crash, I'm assuming this is something they have to fix, but I'll leave this issue open for now just in case.