DarioS / ClassifyR

A framework for cross-validated classification problems, with applications to differential variability and differential distribution testing
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Integrate Multi-class Discriminant Analysis Classifier #7

Closed DarioS closed 6 years ago

DarioS commented 6 years ago

Sarah Romanes and John Ormerod implemented multi-class linear/quadratic discriminant analysis. Improve code so that it uses loops instead of copying and pasting the same command multiple times with different indices. Remove all representation of classes as 0 or 1 indicators (i.e. n = sum(vy1 + vy2 + vy3) can be n = length(samplesClasses)) and ensure the classifier works with a single factor variable. Convert end-user functions into S4 functions. Use :: notation for accessing functions from other packages and import them in NAMESPACE file. Also check for variables that are calculated but never used in any calculations such as Sx1 = t(mX)%*%(vy1+vy2+vy3) and Sx2 = t(mX2)%*%(vy1+vy2+vy3). Are they necessary for a correct calculation or are they left-over from an abandoned idea? Create documentation for all end-user facing functions.

DarioS commented 6 years ago

Integration not necessary. Sarah will create separate package for it.