DarioSamo / libgens-sonicglvl

Level Editor for the PC version of Sonic Generations
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Cannot compile SonicGlvl-multi #23

Closed crash5band closed 4 years ago

crash5band commented 4 years ago

Project fails to compile with the following errors image

DarioSamo commented 4 years ago

"ui_EditorWindow.h" is an auto-generated file by Qt by using uic.exe (depends/qt/bin) on "EditorWindow.ui". The file should already be included in the project tree with a custom build event that does this, so I'm confused as to why it's missing.

Try right clicking on it and hit compile on EditorWindow.ui and see if it says anything of interest in the console output?


crash5band commented 4 years ago

the error doesn't show up if the file is not open in the code editor but the cmd.exe error persists

DarioSamo commented 4 years ago

Could you copy the contents of the output window instead? I'm afraid there's not enough information in the error list.

crash5band commented 4 years ago

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error MSB6006 "cmd.exe" exited with code 1. SonicGLvl-multi C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 151

crash5band commented 4 years ago

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: LibGens-externals, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 1>half.cpp 1>half\half.cpp(73): warning C4146: unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned 1>sha1.cpp 1>tinystr.cpp 1>tinyxml.cpp 1>tinyxmlerror.cpp 1>tinyxmlparser.cpp 1>connectivity_graph.cpp 1>policy.cpp 1>tri_stripper.cpp 1>LibGens-externals.vcxproj -> C:\Data\Modding Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\LibGens-externals../../lib/Release/LibGens-externals.lib 1>Done building project "LibGens-externals.vcxproj". 2>------ Rebuild All started: Project: LibGens, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 2>stdafx.cpp 2>Animation.cpp 2>AnimationSet.cpp 2>AR.cpp 2>ArchiveTree.cpp 2>Bitmap.cpp 2>BIXF.cpp 2>Bone.cpp 2>Endian.cpp 2>Error.cpp 2>FBX.cpp 2>FBXExport.cpp 2>FBXManager.cpp 2>File.cpp 2>Ghost.cpp 2>GhostNode.cpp 2>GITextureGroup.cpp 2>Havok.cpp 2>Havok.cpp(37): warning C4005: 'HK_CLASSES_FILE' : macro redefinition 2> C:\Data\Modding Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\depends\hk2010_2_0_r1\Source\Common/Base/Config/hkProductFeatures.cxx(124) : see previous definition of 'HK_CLASSES_FILE' 2>HavokAnimationCache.cpp 2>HavokEnviroment.cpp 2>HavokPhysicsCache.cpp 2>Compiling... 2>HavokPropertyDatabase.cpp 2>HavokSkeletonCache.cpp 2>InstanceMTI.cpp 2>Keyframe.cpp 2>KeyframeSet.cpp 2>Level.cpp 2>LibGens.cpp 2>Light.cpp 2>LightField.cpp 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(79): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(93): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(104): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(110): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(121): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(201): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(251): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(262): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(279): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(315): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>LostWorldObjectSet.cpp(359): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>Material.cpp 2>MaterialLibrary.cpp 2>MathGens.cpp 2>Mesh.cpp 2>Mesh.cpp(43): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>Model.cpp 2>ModelLibrary.cpp 2>Object.cpp 2>Object.cpp(170): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>Object.cpp(1500): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>Object.cpp(1659): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>Object.cpp(1669): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch 2>ObjectCategory.cpp 2>ObjectElement.cpp 2>ObjectExtra.cpp 2>Compiling... 2>ObjectLibrary.cpp 2>ObjectProduction.cpp 2>ObjectSet.cpp 2>PAC.cpp 2>Parameter.cpp 2>Path.cpp 2>Shader.cpp 2>StringTable.cpp 2>Submesh.cpp 2>Tags.cpp 2>Terrain.cpp 2>TerrainBlock.cpp 2>TerrainGroup.cpp 2>TerrainInstance.cpp 2>Texture.cpp 2>UVAnimation.cpp 2>UVAnimationLibrary.cpp 2>UVAnimationSet.cpp 2>Vertex.cpp 2>VertexFormat.cpp 2>Compiling... 2>VRMap.cpp 2>LibGens.vcxproj -> C:\Data\Modding Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\LibGens../../lib/Release/LibGens.lib 2>Done building project "LibGens.vcxproj". 3>------ Rebuild All started: Project: SonicGLvl-multi, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ 3>MOC EditorTerrainStreamer.h 3>moc: Too many input files specified: 'C:\Data\Modding' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\EditorTerrainStreamer.h' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\moc_EditorTerrainStreamer.cpp' 3>Usage: ....\depends\qt\bin\moc.exe [options] [header-file] [@option-file] 3>Qt Meta Object Compiler version 67 (Qt 5.5.0) 3> 3>Options: 3> -?, -h, --help Displays this help. 3> -v, --version Displays version information. 3> -o Write output to file rather than stdout. 3> -I

Add dir to the include path for header files. 3> -F Add Mac framework to the include path for header 3> files. 3> -E Preprocess only; do not generate meta object code. 3> -D <macro[=def]> Define macro, with optional definition. 3> -U Undefine macro. 3> -M Add key/value pair to plugin meta data 3> -i Do not generate an #include statement. 3> -p Path prefix for included file. 3> -f Force #include (overwrite default). 3> -b Prepend #include (preserve default include). 3> -n Do not display notes (-nn) or warnings (-nw). 3> Compatibility option. 3> --no-notes Do not display notes. 3> --no-warnings Do not display warnings (implies --no-notes). 3> --ignore-option-clashes Ignore all options that conflict with compilers, 3> like -pthread conflicting with moc's -p option. 3> 3>Arguments: 3> [header-file] Header file to read from, otherwise stdin. 3> [@option-file] Read additional options from option-file. 3>MOC EditorViewport.h 3>moc: Too many input files specified: 'C:\Data\Modding' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\EditorViewport.h' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\moc_EditorViewport.cpp' 3>Usage: ....\depends\qt\bin\moc.exe [options] [header-file] [@option-file] 3>Qt Meta Object Compiler version 67 (Qt 5.5.0) 3> 3>Options: 3> -?, -h, --help Displays this help. 3> -v, --version Displays version information. 3> -o Write output to file rather than stdout. 3> -I Add dir to the include path for header files. 3> -F Add Mac framework to the include path for header 3> files. 3> -E Preprocess only; do not generate meta object code. 3> -D <macro[=def]> Define macro, with optional definition. 3> -U Undefine macro. 3> -M Add key/value pair to plugin meta data 3> -i Do not generate an #include statement. 3> -p Path prefix for included file. 3> -f Force #include (overwrite default). 3> -b Prepend #include (preserve default include). 3> -n Do not display notes (-nn) or warnings (-nw). 3> Compatibility option. 3> --no-notes Do not display notes. 3> --no-warnings Do not display warnings (implies --no-notes). 3> --ignore-option-clashes Ignore all options that conflict with compilers, 3> like -pthread conflicting with moc's -p option. 3> 3>Arguments: 3> [header-file] Header file to read from, otherwise stdin. 3> [@option-file] Read additional options from option-file. 3>MOC EditorViewportsWidget.h 3>Usage: ....\depends\qt\bin\moc.exe [options] [header-file] [@option-file] 3>Qt Meta Object Compiler version 67 (Qt 5.5.0) 3> 3>Options: 3> -?, -h, --help Displays this help. 3> -v, --version Displays version information. 3> -o Write output to file rather than stdout. 3> -I Add dir to the include path for header files. 3> -F Add Mac framework to the include path for header 3> files. 3> -E Preprocess only; do not generate meta object code. 3> -D <macro[=def]> Define macro, with optional definition. 3> -U Undefine macro. 3> -M Add key/value pair to plugin meta data 3> -i Do not generate an #include statement. 3> -p Path prefix for included file. 3> -f Force #include (overwrite default). 3> -b Prepend #include (preserve default include). 3> -n Do not display notes (-nn) or warnings (-nw). 3> Compatibility option. 3> --no-notes Do not display notes. 3> --no-warnings Do not display warnings (implies --no-notes). 3> --ignore-option-clashes Ignore all options that conflict with compilers, 3> like -pthread conflicting with moc's -p option. 3> 3>Arguments: 3> [header-file] Header file to read from, otherwise stdin. 3> [@option-file] Read additional options from option-file. 3>moc: Too many input files specified: 'C:\Data\Modding' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\EditorViewportsWidget.h' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\moc_EditorViewportsWidget.cpp' 3>MOC EditorWindow.h 3>moc: Too many input files specified: 'C:\Data\Modding' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\EditorWindow.h' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\moc_EditorWindow.cpp' 3>Usage: ....\depends\qt\bin\moc.exe [options] [header-file] [@option-file] 3>Qt Meta Object Compiler version 67 (Qt 5.5.0) 3> 3>Options: 3> -?, -h, --help Displays this help. 3> -v, --version Displays version information. 3> -o Write output to file rather than stdout. 3> -I Add dir to the include path for header files. 3> -F Add Mac framework to the include path for header 3> files. 3> -E Preprocess only; do not generate meta object code. 3> -D <macro[=def]> Define macro, with optional definition. 3> -U Undefine macro. 3> -M Add key/value pair to plugin meta data 3> -i Do not generate an #include statement. 3> -p Path prefix for included file. 3> -f Force #include (overwrite default). 3> -b Prepend #include (preserve default include). 3> -n Do not display notes (-nn) or warnings (-nw). 3> Compatibility option. 3> --no-notes Do not display notes. 3> --no-warnings Do not display warnings (implies --no-notes). 3> --ignore-option-clashes Ignore all options that conflict with compilers, 3> like -pthread conflicting with moc's -p option. 3> 3>Arguments: 3> [header-file] Header file to read from, otherwise stdin. 3> [@option-file] Read additional options from option-file. 3>MOC OgreViewportWidget.h 3>moc: Too many input files specified: 'C:\Data\Modding' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\OgreViewportWidget.h' 'Tools\sonic\libgens-sonicglvl-master\src\SonicGLvl-multi\moc_OgreViewportWidget.cpp' 3>Usage: ....\depends\qt\bin\moc.exe [options] [header-file] [@option-file] 3>Qt Meta Object Compiler version 67 (Qt 5.5.0) 3> 3>Options: 3> -?, -h, --help Displays this help. 3> -v, --version Displays version information. 3> -o Write output to file rather than stdout. 3> -I Add dir to the include path for header files. 3> -F Add Mac framework to the include path for header 3> files. 3> -E Preprocess only; do not generate meta object code. 3> -D <macro[=def]> Define macro, with optional definition. 3> -U Undefine macro. 3> -M Add key/value pair to plugin meta data 3> -i Do not generate an #include statement. 3> -p Path prefix for included file. 3> -f Force #include (overwrite default). 3> -b Prepend #include (preserve default include). 3> -n Do not display notes (-nn) or warnings (-nw). 3> Compatibility option. 3> --no-notes Do not display notes. 3> --no-warnings Do not display warnings (implies --no-notes). 3> --ignore-option-clashes Ignore all options that conflict with compilers, 3> like -pthread conflicting with moc's -p option. 3> 3>Arguments: 3> [header-file] Header file to read from, otherwise stdin. 3> [@option-file] Read additional options from option-file. 3>UIC EditorWindow.ui 3>uic: Error in line 1, column 0 : Premature end of document. 3>File 'C:\Data\Modding' is not valid 3>RCC EditorResource.qrc 3>....\depends\qt\bin\rcc.exe: File does not exist 'C:\Data\Modding' 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(151,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1. 3>Done building project "SonicGLvl-multi.vcxproj" -- FAILED. ========== Rebuild All: 2 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

DarioSamo commented 4 years ago

Oh, I think it's caused by the spaces in the path ("Modding Tools"). It seems the custom build tool commands are missing the " on the arguments.

Either move the build directory to somewhere without spaces or you'll have to fix the custom build tools for every file that calls either moc, uic, or rcc.

crash5band commented 4 years ago

oh that did it. Thanks for the help!