Color codes used by the MUD to represent color are showing up when ANSI color is toggled off.
The Albatross Tavern
This sea bird is the most popular pub in Sorpigal. A dim, relaxed
atmosphere pervades this deceptively large room. There are public
announcements and a bulletin Bboard$R in the chambers to the west, and low
level characters wait pathetically in the $BChamber of Charity$R, which sits
just below the $Bmorgue$R, to the east. Some stairs lead upwards, where the
sounds of busy students from the $BDC Academy$R can be heard.
A fountain of beer supplies the room with cheer.R$B$1
This board sits here to give accord to those living in infamy.R$B$1
A pirate's spyglass has been set up on a tripod here.R$B$1
B$3Soy Miedo . [Uln'hyrr] is here.R
B$3Dread Pirate Roberts - Yarrr [Uln'hyrr] is resting here.R
B$7-$1Roberts has: $B$1flying!$R
B$3*linkdead* Manix is still a virgin. is here.R
Exits: north west south east up
It should look like
The Albatross Tavern
This sea bird is the most popular pub in Sorpigal. A dim, relaxed
atmosphere pervades this deceptively large room. There are public
announcements and a bulletin board in the chambers to the west, and low
level characters wait pathetically in the Chamber of Charity, which sits
just below the morgue, to the east. Some stairs lead upwards, where the
sounds of busy students from the DC Academy can be heard.
A fountain of beer supplies the room with cheer.
This board sits here to give accord to those living in infamy.
A pirate's spyglass has been set up on a tripod here.
Soy Miedo . [Uln'hyrr] is here.
Dread Pirate Roberts - Yarrr [Uln'hyrr] is resting here.
-Roberts has: flying!
*linkdead* Manix is still a virgin. is here.
Exits: north west south east up
Color codes used by the MUD to represent color are showing up when ANSI color is toggled off.
It should look like