DarkEnergyProcessor / NPPS4

Null-Pointer Private Server 4: Comprehensive SIF1 Private Server Implementation
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Some things to be done for NPPS4 sif - galzone (Compiled, feel free to delete this) #11

Open katmeww opened 2 weeks ago

katmeww commented 2 weeks ago

///Note!! you may know about many of these things already. These are just reminders with a bit of context to help out.\\

-Skill Exp Cards: Context: skill exp cards consist of moms (URs) https://llsif.fandom.com/wiki/Idols%27_Mothers , purple (SSRs) , classmates (SRs) and yazawa kids (R's) currently only yazawa kids and I think classmates are obtainable through Live chest awards. To obtain all of them players will need a scouting banner, or exchange for them through sticker shop & point shop. (Shop -> Sticker Shop or Shop -> Point Shop) Credit to r0dr4t for skill exp reminder! In regard to the scouting banner, players were forced to use blue tickets to get skill exp, which was exchangeable through the Sticker Shop.

-Accessories: Context: (Where to Find? Members -> Accessories) Accessories were used to help survive through lives when first created (you could make perfect lock accessories or heal accessories and they were very and are still handy today.) further down the line, they were used for paramcore teams (ask gryphon for more info) TLDR; you can use your oshi mostly in a team instead of having to make room for other girls because of more recent meta accessories (credit to olionheart for this quick summary). thanks to the private server one would not have to whale for these accessories due to the fact you can get many dupes in a banner. Accessories have different rarities such as rare, super rare, super super rare, and ultra rare. You receive the respected sticker(s) when sacrificing a unit for an accessory as well based on its rarity, including UF sticker units. Either two of the same unit to make custom accessory(s) [when you select the specific girl for her specific accessory(s)] or two random units to make the default random accessory (rare, super rare, super super rare and ultra rare).

-Live Arena & Live Arena Exchange: (Where to find? Events -> Live Arena) (Arena Exchange is Shop -> Point Shop I believe) Live Arena was sort of a pvp mode in sif, where players would play against each other but it was NOT in real time. It was a player's team and I believe combo record vs you as the player playing in real time. To win you would have to beat their score. In the Point Shop, you could obtain powerful SI skills for specific girls and skill exp, as well as blue tickets. ranking rewards gave love gems, special cards and I think more points.

-EVENT festivals: Events are also probably last on the list for priority. I will need some assistance with giving full context on events. https://schoolido.lu/events/ this site will give better context. There are three types I believe, Medley Festival, Challenge & Score Match. Medley Festival: I believe you do 3 lives in a row. A fan favorite. here's a video. https://youtu.be/yg2m0XsxY_Y?si=tDnEtDiBP9sjMfUm Challenge Festival: You get to choose from special, master, hard, normal, to easy. you then proceed with 3 matches where you also get chibi versions of the girls as support. it's a bit hard to explain but there's some youtube videos with examples. a good youtube video is https://youtu.be/WcWlPWWmOEA?si=KdShOwVpG7jvA6TU Score Match: You rank against other people in real time, based on how powerful your team is or how skillful you are with perfects and other things. You will either get ranked by how many perfects, score, or combo. https://youtu.be/p4vWb1z3a7s?si=EuJDVbtHtwfPqZEC

-Add Friends (Home -> Friends) well hey, I'd love to add people as friends! including you :)

-Rhythmic Carnival (another fan favorite.) (Where to find? Events -> Rhythmic Carnival) Compete against other players in real time, but also working together to get points for the shop. Rotated in and out of the game every 2 days until it became permanent. https://youtu.be/dmZ4vD_UjBA?si=mroxE1UIa-J3YjGY

-Item Boosters: (Where to find? Live Show -> pink up arrow next to record on bottom right of live) Item boosters consisted of Bond boosters, Exp boosters, and G boosters. I believe they ranged from 5 minutes to an hour. They just increased the specified gain, very handy though to make grinding less bad.

-Shop Exchange: (Where to find? Shop -> Sticker Shop and Point Shop) Currently nothing is in the shop, and that's okay. I feel it would be easiest to add skill exp units to the shop at this moment in time, but in a banner that's okay too. It would be awesome if all cards were added to the sticker shop in the future, as well as backgrounds and unobtainable titles, as well as unobtainable SI skills (SIS) the code geass SIS for example is very strong but not obtainable in the game right now.

-Rankings on Songs: (Where to find? Live Show -> Yellow Star at bottom left next to Song name)

-Certain Songs clears are glitched as of right now. I'm sure you are aware of this but it is very least priority, as it is only a few, not extremely important as rewards are still counted, just the symbols on the top of the song are amiss. Will try to write and remember more

Thank you auahdark. <3