DarkEnergyProcessor / NPPS4

Null-Pointer Private Server 4: Comprehensive SIF1 Private Server Implementation
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Accessories #14

Open katmeww opened 2 weeks ago

katmeww commented 2 weeks ago

///Note!! you may know about many of these things already. These are just reminders with a bit of context to help out.\\

-Accessories: Context: (Where to Find? Members -> Accessories) Accessories were used to help survive through lives when first created (you could make perfect lock accessories or heal accessories and they were very and are still handy today.) further down the line, they were used for paramcore teams (ask gryphon for more info) TLDR; you can use your oshi mostly in a team instead of having to make room for other girls because of more recent meta accessories (credit to olionheart for this quick summary). thanks to the private server one would not have to whale for these accessories due to the fact you can get many dupes in a banner. Accessories have different rarities such as rare, super rare, super super rare, and ultra rare. You receive the respected sticker(s) when sacrificing a unit for an accessory as well based on its rarity, including UF sticker units. Either two of the same unit to make custom accessory(s) [when you select the specific girl for her specific accessory(s)] or two random units to make the default random accessory (rare, super rare, super super rare and ultra rare).

Thank you auahdark. <3

katmeww commented 1 week ago

https://sif.kirara.ca/accessories/search?id=gt%2C1&_sort=-id this is a really great reference, albeit late!