DarkEnergyProcessor / NPPS4

Null-Pointer Private Server 4: Comprehensive SIF1 Private Server Implementation
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Events #15

Open katmeww opened 2 weeks ago

katmeww commented 2 weeks ago

///Note!! you may know about many of these things already. These are just reminders with a bit of context to help out.\\

-EVENT festivals: Events are also probably last on the list for priority. I will need some assistance with giving full context on events. https://schoolido.lu/events/ this site will give better context. There are three types I believe, Medley Festival, Challenge & Score Match. Medley Festival: I believe you do 3 lives in a row. A fan favorite. here's a video. https://youtu.be/yg2m0XsxY_Y?si=tDnEtDiBP9sjMfUm Challenge Festival: You get to choose from special, master, hard, normal, to easy. you then proceed with 3 matches where you also get chibi versions of the girls as support. it's a bit hard to explain but there's some youtube videos with examples. a good youtube video is https://youtu.be/WcWlPWWmOEA?si=KdShOwVpG7jvA6TU Score Match: You rank against other people in real time, based on how powerful your team is or how skillful you are with perfects and other things. You will either get ranked by how many perfects, score, or combo. https://youtu.be/p4vWb1z3a7s?si=EuJDVbtHtwfPqZEC

Thank you auahdark. <3