DarkFlippers / unleashed-firmware

Flipper Zero Unleashed Firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
15.74k stars 1.33k forks source link

Authentificator crush #737

Open superyarik opened 3 months ago

superyarik commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug.

facing authentificator crush after enter some pin or just hit center button. after crush flipper reboot. while rebooting logs disconnect


open tools -> Authentificator enter pin press center button


No response



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Read the manual: https://docs.flipper.net/development/cli
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Firmware version: release-cfw unlshd-072e (8b62b6cb built on 25-03-2024)

>: log
Current log level: info
Use <log ?> to list available log levels
Press CTRL+C to stop...
120778 [I][BleGap] Start: 4
126123 [I][Loader] Loading /ext/apps/Tools/totp.fap
126287 [I][Elf] Total size of loaded sections: 40160
126290 [I][Loader] Loaded in 167ms
126292 [I][TOTP APP] App version: 5.13.0
126294 [I][TOTP APP] WolfSSL version: 5.6.6
126297 [I][AnimationManager] Unload animation 'L2_Coding_in_the_shell_128x64'
126320 [I][TOTP APP] Obsolete config file version detected. Current version: 5; Actual version: 12
126349 [I][TOTP APP] Took config file backup to /ext/apps_data/totp/backups/totp.conf.20240326-6
126439 [I][TOTP APP] Applied migration to version 12
<ERROR: The device has been lost.>

Anything else?

No response

xMasterX commented 2 months ago

Please create issue here:
