I can assure you, all the database seeded and migrated properly. I can do dd($user->settings) and it shows me all 3 items. But when I tried to update it using $user->settings->set($key, $value) on for each, it fails with the error
Property [DARK_MODE] does not exist on this collection instance.
at D:\Project\_kevinyobeth\SynchV2\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Collections\Traits\EnumeratesValues.php:912
908▕ */
909▕ public function __get($key)
910▕ {
911▕ if (! in_array($key, static::$proxies)) {
➜ 912▕ throw new Exception("Property [{$key}] does not exist on this collection instance.");
913▕ }
915▕ return new HigherOrderCollectionProxy($this, $key);
916▕ }
1 D:\Project\_kevinyobeth\SynchV2\vendor\darkghosthunter\laraconfig\src\SettingsCollection.php:326
2 D:\Project\_kevinyobeth\SynchV2\tests\Feature\SettingsTest.php:68
Update 1
I tried getting the keys from the test, and real browser test, it returns different keys.
When I ran this
While on the test when I ran it, it returns
My Workaround
To overcome this problem, I came up with this solution. I search the user setting manually in the controller and it works!
Same issue here.
In my case the problem is that settings:migrate stores settable_type, in user_settings table, to AppModelsUser instead of App\Models\User
The functionality works perfectly on browser. But it keeps failing on feature test.
Here is my controller snippet.
Test Snippet
Test Setup
I can assure you, all the database seeded and migrated properly. I can do
and it shows me all 3 items. But when I tried to update it using$user->settings->set($key, $value)
on for each, it fails with the errorUpdate 1
I tried getting the keys from the test, and real browser test, it returns different keys. When I ran this
While on the test when I ran it, it returns Result
My Workaround
To overcome this problem, I came up with this solution. I search the user setting manually in the controller and it works!