Here's also a sample string: 07918350000014F0400ED0D637396C7EBBCB000802601190106321840500038803030020043F0430043A0435044204300020043F043E043F043E0432043D04560442044C00200440043004450443043D043E043A00200432045604340020003100300030002004330440043804320435043D044C0020044204300020043D043004310435044004560442044C0020002A003100300031002A0034003400340023, which should be decoded to пакета поповніть рахунок від 100 гривень та наберіть *101*444#.
It doesn't even try to properly decode the SMSC information, and just assumes that it's one byte for MPE and 0xB0 bytes for Nokia backups.
This leads to a completely garbled output for both the sender number and the message body, when reading MPE backups from SE:
There SMSC data usually occupy 8 bytes.
This article may assist you in improving the decoder:
Here's also a sample string:
, which should be decoded toпакета поповніть рахунок від 100 гривень та наберіть *101*444#