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Recipe conflict between CC Modem and Chisel Futura block #121

Open mjevans opened 4 years ago

mjevans commented 4 years ago

There is a recipe conflict between CC Modem and Chisel Futura block. Both want to be stone (cooked) around redstone dust.

I feel like less CC Modems will be made and also that the type of user trying to make a modem might end up here / check JEI once this is client side, and that thus modifying that recipe makes the most sense.

I chose to replace the modem recipe with one that uses an iron ingot at the bottom center, but similar items might include iron bars, glass bottle/pane or even oredict string.

This has been tested (however I don't know how to re-add it with the correct mod attribution):

File: scripts/crafttweaker/recipes/fixModemFutura.zs

import crafttweaker.oredict.IOreDict;
import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;

print("Fixing CC Modem // Chisel Futura block conflict.");

var stone = oreDict.stone;
var iron = oreDict.ingotIron;
var redstone = oreDict.dustRedstone;
                        [[stone, stone, stone],
                         [stone, redstone, stone],
                         [stone, iron, stone]]);
mjevans commented 4 years ago

Also, I disclaim all copyright to the above script file. I do not believe it contains sufficiently unique / non-factual content and thus believe it is not copyrightable. In the event that my believe is incorrect I release it to Public Domain, and where that is not possible, the most permissive Creative Commons license.