DarkPacks / SevTech-Ages

SevTech: Ages is a massive Minecraft modpack packed with content and progression.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Rice into slime recipe seems too OP #1681

Open ElectroBot opened 6 years ago

ElectroBot commented 6 years ago

I'd suggest adding something like mud clumps to rice to make the recipe more "realistic"/harder.

iskorp commented 6 years ago

Wasn’t this changed already in 3.06

ElectroBot commented 6 years ago

This is from a clean 3.0.6 client.

Its a simple recipe albeit quite grindy (in both senses of the word) recipe.

Grind rice into rice flower, combine with salt and water fluid bladder. 4 + water fluid bladder = rice slimeball. 9 = slime block = 9 slime balls *2 and you've got slime boots (stage 1) and slime sling (+2 string) (stage 2).

No fall damage and reallly fast travel should require more.

Dystilled commented 6 years ago

Slime boots/Sling is your typical early game exploration combo.

I don't really see the issue to be honest.

Especially for a pack that is so exploration heavy.

justinrusso commented 6 years ago

@iskorp recipes that outputted 4x rice balls was removed. That was all.

Targren commented 6 years ago

You can make both from congealed blood anyway. The rice balls are actually more work unless you have a hard time with Zombies.

And they look cooler in red, anyway.

TsarSecurity commented 6 years ago

I agree with ElectroBot, i ran into this 'issue' too, the only thing thats weird is: IF its 'intended' to be able to use rice slime for the slingshot/boots, why not just add a 2x2 rice to congealed recipe instead of having to do it in this convoluted matter. Its really just obfuscation.

Targren commented 6 years ago

@0xb00b Have you played this pack? :laughing: "Obfuscation" is its stock-in-trade! Either shuffle around the kitchen making rice dough, or go out and slap zombies around; neither is hard, but both are "work".

LordHellscream commented 6 years ago

rice => slime ball is one of the most tedious thing ever. Can't believe someone think this is OP. if you have a cow farm, the glue => slime is much much easier. Not to mention zombie flesh => blood if you spend effort to build a grinder in hunting dimension.