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New Class Idea - Summoner, Thaumaturge, Dragon Disciple #11

Open trseagro opened 7 years ago

trseagro commented 7 years ago

Summoner would be an alternate tooling of Druid. (Essentially starting with the class and making new spells that work like the existing ones do with different echoes.)

Instead of a nature based class it would be an unnatural thing. I will have to elaborate on this more I think to really give this some legs.

Thaumaturge would be a class that uses both Arcane and Divine magic. Because of the hybrid it cannot be as powerful as either one. I am not exactly sure yet what this might look like, so I will elaborate more on this as well.

trseagro commented 7 years ago

It might be interesting to build a "Dragon Disciple" type class too. Obviously it shouldn't be named this. This class could be fairly easily built off of the existing monk class though. (I.E. copied and retooled.) I can develop this idea more fully if there is an interest. The big flip is to switchout what used to be budha palm with a breath spell. It would be kind of cool if the class varied either with the calendar or time of day. (Personally I am liking the calendar. So maybe they have an "aura" that grants resistances that change with the calendar. And maybe their breathspell changes with the "aura" as well?" These ideas are meant to be copy and rename type projects with new echoes and such. The intent being that the "balance" is already there in the existing class.

trseagro commented 7 years ago

Summoner Class - Spell & Class List Lv Spell 1 continual light 2 faerie fire
3 armor
4 cure light
6 detect invis ; invisibility
7 infravision 8 create water; refresh
9 burning hands
10 bless; blindness; detect magic
11 control weather 12 giant strength
13 chill touch; cure serious; magic ward; sleep
15 create food; portal; shocking grasp
16 detect hidden; locate object; weaken
17 (create oasis); faerie fog; identify; lightning bolt
18 call lightning; charm person; dispel magic 20 fly; (summon monster); teleport
22 cancellation; slow
23 haste
24 cure critical
25 curse; summon
26 (summon master ghoul); pass door
27 fireball; frenzy; shield
28 stone skin 30 calm
33 gate; word of recall
34 locate person
35 heal
36 (summon horror); (summon crystal dragon); sanctuary
46 (summon great hydra)

Level 1: weapons, hide, recall, scrolls, shield block, staves, wands
Level 7: meditation Level 12: fast healing
Level 16: sneak
Level 18: parry
Level 19: dodge
Level 25: second attack
Level 29: haggle
Level 32: enhanced damage

create oasis - This would be a different object that people would rest on. NOT the same regen as the OASIS in game. summon monster: Beholder, Mindflayer, Chitinous Demon. These are charmed creatures summon master ghoul - This is an echo that does damage. Its actual echo would be randomized. summon horror - This is an echo that does damages everyone including the caster. Its actual echo would be randomized. summon crystal dragon - This is an echo that does damage. Its actual echo would be randomized. The spell would do "extra damage as well" summon great hydra - This is an echo that does damage.

trseagro commented 7 years ago

Thaumaturge Spells/Skills Lv Spell 1 continual light
2 faerie fire
3 armor
4 cure light
6 detect invis; invisibility
7 infravision
8 create water; refresh
9 burning hands
10 bless; blindness; detect magic
11 control weather 12 giant strength
13 chill touch; cure serious; magic ward; sleep
15 create food; portal; shocking grasp
16 detect hidden; locate object; weaken
17 create spring; faerie fog; identify; lightning bolt
18 call lightning; charm person; dispel magic
20 fly; (divine aura); teleport
22 cancellation; slow
23 haste
24 cure critical
25 curse; summon
26 NEW SPELL 1 (Area); pass door
27 fireball; frenzy; shield
28 stone skin
30 calm
33 gate; word of recall 34 locate person
35 heal; NEW SPELL 2 (Divine)
36 chain lightning; NEW SPELL 3 (Magic); sanctuary 46 (Nadir) Level 1: weapons; hide; recall; scrolls; shield block; staves; wands
Level 7: meditation Level 12: fast healing
Level 16: sneak
Level 18: parry
Level 19: dodge
Level 25: second attack
Level 29: haggle
Level 32: enhanced damage

divine aura: this is an aura that discharges like chain lightning when attacked divine favor - This is a spell that does divine magic. The actual echo depends on the god. Arcane Tempest - This is a spell that does magic damage Nadir - This is a spell that does different things depending on the god and the time of day. [Syrin or None Night / Rhia or Tyrin Day - Opposite gets a magic echo based on sun or moon]

trseagro commented 7 years ago

Dragon Disciple Spell / Skill List Lv Spell 3 armor
4 faerie fire
9 refresh
11 bless 12 faerie fog
15 cure light; magic ward
16 earthquake
17 lightning bolt
19 dispel magic
20 cure serious; portal
22 giant strength; identify; teleport
23 fly 24 cancellation
25 haste
26 shield
27 sanctuary 28 frenzy; summon
29 cure critical; draconic armor
30 locate object
32 pass door
33 word of recall
34 calm
40 locate person 42 chain lightning

Level 1: hand to hand, palm block, recall, scrolls, staves, wands
Level 4: fast healing Level 7: bite, second attack
Level 8: dodge
Level 9: parry
Level 13: tail swing, third attack
Level 14: heightened senses, meditation
Level 15: divine focus, enhanced damage
Level 17: dirt kicking Level 24: crane kick
Level 27: haggle
Level 29: vital strike
Level 37: dragon breath Level 45: dragon punch

Bite - extra attack - Low proc, chance to cause bleed damage; tail swing - A trip that does damage like kick draconic armor - Stoneskin with Resistance and Vulns that change depending on the day in the game dragon breath - This is a breath spell that changes depending on the day in the game

Day of the Bull - Acid (Resist Acid / Vuln Air) (Acid Breath) Day of Deception - Negative (Resist Negative / Vuln Light) (Cone of Shadow) Day of Thunder - Electricty (Resist Electricity / Vuln Acid) (Lightning Breath) Day of Freedom - Gas (Resist Air / Vuln Electric) (Gas Breath) Day of the Great Gods - Light (Resist Light / Vuln Negative) (Cone of Light) Day of the Sun - Fire (Resist Fire / Vuln Cold) (Fire Breath) Day of the Moon - Cold (Resist Cold / Vuln Fire) (Frost Breath)

Drowtastic commented 7 years ago

Summoner Lets make it a true summoner here. Level 2 remove faerie fire (summon Glowing Pixie) Random armor drop and can't go invis or sneak. Level 22ish (summon Shimmering Pixie) Mirror Image. Level 35 remove Heal; add Summon (cool glowing fairy or something angelic) Random heal from 50-120

Blindness can be a sand golem. some things can stay the same, dispel, armors casting. But things that are cast a lot needs flair.