DarkShadow44 / resourcehighlighter-dark

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Memory consumption/leak problem? #24

Open georgehank opened 10 months ago

georgehank commented 10 months ago

Recently, resource highlighter started to raise Factorio's RAM use by a lot" whenever I flipped a resource to or from highlighted. On an admittedly large-ish map (200 MB save file), RAM us when up by over 20 GB. Not a huge* problem, just a big annoyance, since I have 128 GB RAM, and the RAM was freed back to the system after the mod was done anyway. Oh, and Factorio froze for minutes while the mod was working.

But yesterday, somehow the RAM was not given back to the OS, and Factorio's RAM use went up to over 50 GB. Still not a RAM problem (128 GB RAM installed) Then I wanted to check something with "What is it really used for?" and Factorio started gobbling up RAM like crazy. It crashed with a bad allocation at almost 80GB RAM used.

But then it got even worse: I couldn't even load the map anymore. It just ate RAM to dozens of GB, and I killed the process because that ain't right.

Now… I disabled Resource Highlighter and not only can I load the map again, "What is it really used for" doesn't trigger crazy RAM use either.

DarkShadow44 commented 10 months ago

Could you share the save? If this is caused by Resource Highlighter, I'll do my best to fix this!

DarkShadow44 commented 9 months ago

Any news on this?